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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: paul

Member#: 5
Registered: 24-07-2002
Diary Entries: 71

Mood: Well Chuffed
17th July 2003
Sailing: Falmouth
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength: 3/4
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Jon from work asked me to go out and crew on Mabel, a Falmouth Working Boat who he crews on regularly, since they were shorthanded. We headed straight down after work and rowed out to the boat where we quickly got the sails up and headed to St. Mawes for the start of the race. We were right on the line for the start and got a good run to starboard, before having to tack to allow Winnie, room for moored boats, luckily it didn't hamper us too much and we crossed the rest of the fleet giving up a slight lead. We headed up the first beat making good headway but had to duck under Victory who had right of way losing us a little ground, which left us second round the windward mark, we reached down to the next mark alongside Victory, before gybing and heading back toward St. Mawes for the next mark, we managed to get past Victory, but Winnie got past us but there was nothing in it at the mark and we all headed off toward the last windward mark. More close racing followed until a huge windshift got us and Florence who was last got the advantage and pretty much managed to reach into the windward mark putting her out in front by quite a way. We then all headed back toward St. Mawes for the finish. After finishing we tied up to a buoy and went into St. Mawes sailing club for a pint, before heading back out for the sail home. It took us a good hour to sail back from St. Mawes in the dropping wind but it was great sail back, nice and peaceful and we were making good headway, although it was pretty dark when we got tied back on the mooring, and it was 11pm by the time I got back to the quay, still it was a supurb evenings sailing, hopefully I will get to do some more.

Diary entry on my site has links to pics of the boats.
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